Who, me?

Friday, July 16, 2010

07.16.2010 (Friday) *

A SPECIAL HELLOto Heather K who has joined my blog!

I LOVE my Blog friends!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

07.14.2010 * My new foster home update

Rothko is doing well. Within about 15 minutes after your departure we played fetch for a while with his new toy, and he settled in. Absolutely nothing going on amongst the boys, even tho he's taken to trying to hump Tivo this evening! I set up a crate for him to eat and sleep in (not 'china'), and covered him with a blanket at bedtime, where, as far as I know, he spent the night - at least none of the others told me otherwise. He's let me kind of tussle with him, with both of us in a standing position, and, so far, has not been possessive over anything. He started to disembowel a stuffed toy last night, and when I told him 'no, bad dog', he relinquished it w/o incident. I put away all the stuffed toys, but he still has access to ropes, horse hoofs, and bones. He's eating fine . . . and it seems the last of the horse apples have finally passed through - ugh ;D
He went to work with me today, I do the books at a vineyard part-time. He barked at everyone that came in the office trailer, but with tail wagging, and eager to be petted. He also slept under my desk part of the time. I'm thinking he'll get quieter once he gets used to it.
I took him for a leash walk today, in the same park where we met. He seems to have some idea about heeling, and he was totally fine with people/kids, strollers, bikes. I avoided the other dogs that were there, since a couple were off-leash, and one ditzy owner I thought it would be best to avoid - we'll try that another day. He had seemed awkward about jumping in the back of either car, but allowed my to help him get his front feet in, and then hoist the hind end up. But, when we were leaving the park, he apparently didn't want any help, and he snapped and mouthed my hand (not a scratch). He had given me a false sense of security with he previous behavior, I'll be sure to 'ask' if something is OK to do in the future, regardless! Yesterday, when I tried to get him in the van, so he could join the rest of the herd for a walk, he did not want to go in, so I left him at home in his crate, and he did fine. Today, he joined us, albeit on-leash, and did great jostling about in the back of the van with everyone! He does follow me around a lot, but he's figured things out, and will spend time in the backyard as he desires, or sleep in his crate. He also seems to be figuring out that all the dogs will get their share of attention, and is getting a bit less vocal about demanding his share, when it's someone else's s turn. At the moment, he has gotten brave enough to curl up on the dog bed in the living room; he hasn't done that til now!
I seem to be gaining his trust, and he appears to be amazingly adjustable to yet another new situation! He'll be a terrific dog for the right person!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

07.10.2010 (Saturday) * New Foster Home

Greetings my friends and followers.

It looks like I am going to move on to a new FOSTER home in Napa with someone who has lots of experience with vizslas. We shall see how it works out. Robert and my network of loyal supporters (that's you ELAINE!) continue to search for a "forever" home for me. We shall see how it goes and Robert has promised to keep up my blog for all of you.

I think I will miss Robert and everyone here (except Cooter who makes me nuts!). And I just know Robert will miss me (Robert's comment "VERY TRUE"). We have developed a bond over the past months and though we have had our moments, I know he loves me and understands the troubled life I have had.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I hope one day soon to have a forever home. Robert told me he would see to it that I meet all of you who have helped me so much!



Thursday, July 1, 2010

07.01.2010 (Thursday) * Turkey Alert

Real excitement this morning!

We were all in our crates this morning from eating our breakfast when Phoenix went ballistic barking which I have come to learn means "intruder alert" (even if it is 1/2 mile away). I mean the dog has a nose, and not like in Jimmy Durante nose; like in smells the slightest scent from beyond line of sight. Well, when Phoenix sounds off, Robert has to go investigate or there will be no peace. So, off goes Robert, I mean jeez, he hasn't even had time to finish his first cup of coffee (and it takes three to even get neurons thinking about firing). Lo and behold, a wild turkey hen has decided the dog yard is the place to browse for food;ummmm, big mistake! Robert un-crates Phoenix who emerges like an Exocet missile out of its launch tube and homes right in on the hen. Fortunately, turkeys have GREAT eyesight and upon seeing the speeding canine projectile approaching decides that an emergency lift-off is in order. Off to the safety of the tree line by the creek. You can be sure she'll think twice before she lands in the dog yard again! Sigh!, and I was soooo looking forward to deep fried turkey for dinner. Always an adventure here.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

06.30.2010 (Wednesday) * Half the year gone!

Wow! Here it is, June 30th; half the year is gone and I have not even started my Christmas shopping. Good thing for the Internet!

A special "Thank-You" goes out to Elaine and Tex for continuing to look out for potential forever homes for me. Perhaps one day we will meet in person.

Thanks again to all my followers and readers.

Monday, June 28, 2010

06.28.2010 (Monday) *

Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive and kicking!

A special welcome to "fluffydogfostering" for joining my blog! I need all the friends I can get.

Nothing really new with me. I am still here with Cooter, the vizsla-lab foster mix. There has been so little interest in adopting me that Robert is now searching for a sanctuary for me to live in until (if ever) I am adopted into a forever home. Even that avenue has borne little fruit; seems like there are just too many of us older dogs with special needs.

In the meantime, life goes on. I play ball, play in my water tub, romp in the horse pasture, bark at the horses, get REALLY excited when Nancy comes home or Robert returns from an errand. I am learning new things and have to work or perform for any reward; not a difficult task but goes against my grain of wanting to be "in charge". I guess it is a small price to pay for such a loving, caring and nice foster home. I now even put myself to bed in my crate when the day is done. I always get a cookie for doing so; never even had to ask for one!

I go to the vet regularly for my nail trimming and occasionally I go on an errand with Robert, though he has been really busy here with the property, the garden and repairing various vehicles and equipment.

Summer is finally upon us and I enjoy standing in my water tub chasing shadows or leaves on the bottom. Robert keeps it nice and clean so it is always refreshing. Sometimes I lie in the sun for a tan, or in the shade if it is really hot. A new screen door at the front keeps a nice breeze blowing through the house and I rotate from dog bed to dog bed as I see fit.

Thanks again to all of you who follow my blog!

Friday, June 4, 2010

06.04.2010 *

I am going to start posting weekly unless there is some really significant news I want to share.

I am virtually totally settled in here. I get along with all the other dogs, even new ones that come in like Cooter. There is more than enough attention here for all of us. Robert is working with me on doing something for him in exchange for his playing with me or feeding me. I have learned to sit, then down and stay before I can go into my crate for breakfast or dinner. In order for him to throw the ball, I must sit and GIVE him the ball rather than just drop it and run off or make him come and get the ball from me. This task is a little more difficult because I am so ball obsessed, but I am making progress. I still bark at the horses, but that I learned from Hanna and Phoenix, resident vizslas.

It is a dreary, misty, wet gray day here in Sebastopol. Everyone is inside on a dog bed, the couch or in a crate. This weekend is supposed to be sunny and warm so I will be outside playing in the water tub. Alas, I have pretty much destroyed the two new tennis balls Robert purchased for me a couple of days ago...they just don't make 'em like they used to! I still have yet to hear from the French Open people about sending me the used balls; guess that is a "no" then. Perhaps I should stroll over to the tennis courts at Ragle Park here in town and see if I can't snag some. I wonder what the sentence for running off with tennis balls is?

That is about it for now. Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

05.30.2010 - Day ? I've given up counting....

Hello All! Been a while since I last posted. Dogs have come and dogs have gone and more dogs have come BUT I AM STILL HERE (waahhh)!

It appears as though I will need to start prevaricating about my age; then maybe somebody will adopt me.

Not much new here. Weather is warming up and hopefully (and I do mean HOPEFULLY!) the rain has ceased for a while. I like to play outside in my water tub and not get rained on. I like to sunbathe on the deck and not get rained on. I like to chase balls and the rain doesn't bother me then but I make a mess of the house.

There is a new foster dog here, Cooter. He has been on the VCNC website for quite a while but it was only yesterday that Robert rescued him from the shelter and brought him here. I have not formally met him but have seen him around. One of us is crated while the other is out until Robert evaluates how we might interact. He seems to be OK with Dolly and Phoenix, two of the resident vizslas, so we shall see. Robert says he is a sweet boy; I'll make my own evaluation.

I only have my BIG tennis balls left as I have chewed all the normal sized ones into shreds. I have put in a call to the French Open to see if they would ship me the used balls; have yet to hear back (you know how those Frenchies are...).

I got my nails done again last week; no color, just natural. I just follow my routine and I can't complain (too much). Robert posted a picture of me "fishing" in my tub for only things that I know are there (you have to be a vizsla to see 'em...tough luck Robert!).

Take care, and remember,I'm only 29 in dogs years (and will never get older from now on).

Monday, May 17, 2010

05.17.2010 - Catching Up

I have to apologize for my belated updates. Things have been pretty much a routine for a while now. I have settled in nicely and have a daily routine I pretty much follow. My foster friend, Brownie, the GSP, went to her trial home last Friday; I am jealous. Why doesn't somebody adopt me? I am loving, devoted, protective, very young for my age and just want a person or two to be my sole focus in life! What more could one ask for? I just want to belong and feel that I am finally home, for the rest of my life.
I have chewed up more tennis balls than I can count. Robert is running dangerously low (donations are welcome). I have three REALLY big tennis balls but I am frustrated that I cannot carry two of them in my mouth at the same time! I love my yard, the pasture, the horses, the balls, the toys and my humans; but I really want COMITTMENT from one or more humans! This sounds like a woman's dating issue (lack of comittment). I am a GREAT dog! I am devoted, loving, warm, affectionate, active, protective and playful. Don't you want to adopt me? I won't disappoint you; just don't run out of tennis balls (lol).
Seriously, I have been here in my foster home quite a while. I love it here, but I know it is transitional. Doesn't somebody want a guy like me? I don't leave my dirty clothes laying around all over the place, dirty dishes in the sink, empty beer cans all over or leave the toilet seat up. I have couth! Take a look at me; look past the grey hairs and peer into my loving eyes.

I will not DISAPPOINT you!


Friday, April 30, 2010

04.30.2010 * Day 21

End of April already; where does the time go?.

Nancy showed up this morning with a real surprise; another rescue! This one does not look like a vizsla at all! Hah! I think I know why. She is a liver colored GSP, female, 10 months old and the very definition of a WILD CHILD! I overheard Robert say that if anyone were ever to hear him say he would like a GSP puppy to just shoot him...no questions asked. Her energy is boundless and her manners non-existent. She likes tennis balls like me but defers to my stature in the community, so I do not feel threatened (besides, she is cute and smells good!). Her name is Brownie and her story is far too convoluted to unravel here. Things are pretty crazy here and we are all doing our best to push Robert over the edge...especially since I noticed his Zoloft is getting dangerously low....

It is a lovely evening and I am busy skinning a tennis ball. The alien in Predator has nothing on me...I could teach him a thing or two.

Nancy took two big furries to a VCNC Field Trial along with Gracie tonight, so it is just the 5 of us dogs vrs. the sole human, Robert (good odds).

Life is funny sometimes...other times not.

Good night all my followers.

04.29.2010 * Day 20

Today is a beautiful day. The sun is out, the rain is gone and the skies are blue with big fluffy white clouds. I played in the horse pasture as usual, took a brief nap on the deck and watched Robert work on the raised bed garden.

About 1:00m I loaded up into the truck and off we went on errands. To the bank, to the tractor store (where I saw a really cool tractor I wish I could buy for Robert), to a local home supply center where the plumbing guy gave me cookies, to the gas station (yawn!), to the local landscape supply place where we got a truckload of yummy smelling soil and finally to the vet to get weighed (I have lost a few pounds). Quite a day.

We played ball and then I watched Robert unload all that smelly soil (I want to roll in it so badly!) and install a lot of plumbing.

We played in the horse pasture after dinner and stayed up till at least the sun went down watching some really bad movie on Netflix ( I will never diss Modern marvels again!).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

04.28.2010 * Day 19

Another rainy day. After all these April showers I'm expecting a bounty of May flowers, particularly if they are in the form of tennis balls!

Gracie tried to play with me this morning but I was not in the mood; hardly ever am when it comes to playing with other dogs. I am a PEOPLE vizsla. I'll be your shadow, your best friend, your co-pilot and your most excellent ball chaser! If I am not appealing then I just don't know what is.

Robert worked on the garden bed again today, in the rain. I watched from the deck until I got too wet; he kept at it, putting wire down to keep the pervasive pocket gophers from burrowing up to feast on the soon to be planted vegetables.

I was limping again a bit early this afternoon. I let Robert check me over for anything obvious but he found nothing. Nancy seems to think I just over do it with the ball thing. I am 8 1/2 years old but play like a 2 year old. I suppose that could be part of the problem.

Robert found me some tennis balls to replace the ones I have chewed to shreds. He is most accommodating in that way.

Robert is going to make chicken and rice casserole for dinner tonight and then we are all going to watch Hulu or Netflix TV. Maybe we'll watch a tennis tournament and I can dream of being a ball boy. Wouldn't that be grand? Duh, yeah!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

04.27.2010 * Day 18

Wow! It seems like I have been here an eternity; not that I am complaining. Today was really miserable; rainy, windy, cold and just plain inhospitable. Not that it stopped Robert from his rounds with the big furries or working on the vegetable garden. Doesn't he know wet soil is much heavier than dry soil? He filled in more of my archeological excavations and finished excavating the garden bed; now I suppose he'll fill it all in. I just don't get these humans sometimes. I don't know what he plans on growing there, but it will be awesome. I don't think he is planting any mary jane 'cuz it is right out there in the open. And if he thinks I'm going up against the DEA and their whirlybird in a midnight raid, he is mistaken....

He did take lots of time out for me to play ball during breaks in the weather; he always does. We even went to the bank today and he posted a new picture of me giving him driving directions. He is a good sport about it, even when I disagree with Jessica, his GPS Nav bimbo. She must be blonde...

I am doing so well here! I even tried to play with Phoenix today, but he is not ball obsessed like I am. He'd rather wrestle and at my age that just doesn't qualify as playtime; more like an invitation to a chiropractic appointment (and there is a good one here in town!). I am very comfortable with Robert and have earned his trust. I hope someone like him comes along and wants to adopt me for his/her very own; I would love to spend the rest of my days in such a relationship.

Right now I am on a dog bed in the living room. Robert is updating my blog and then he will fix dinner and invariably watch Modern Marvels, or House, or Gray's Anatomy or How It's Made...; geez, like I want to build a nuclear sub or anything like that. I'd rather fetch balls from the surf on a pristine beach somewhere where the girls don't wear bathing suits...

Life is good, and getting better...

BTW...these two silly (in lust) ducks landed in the back yard today (who the hell knows why) and Phoenix and I were out of here like a particle from the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) after them. They narrowly escaped their foolishness and took their mating activities to a safer and more secluded spot under the willow tree in the corner of the property.

My saga continues...stay tuned...thanks for all your support and comments!

Monday, April 26, 2010

04.26.2010 * Day 17

Another fine day...cooler than the last two but still very pleasant. Played in the horse pasture with the jolly ball and played fetch with my tennis balls for hours later in the morning. I watched Robert work on the raised garden bed and was intrigued that he felt compelled to bring in big wheelbarrows of dirt into the backyard and fill in the gopher holes I so lovingly excavated for him. One thing that Robert has noticed I like to do is take my tennis balls into the big tub of water and get them good and soggy. Then I take them to a hole I have dug and roll them around in the dirt until they are caked with mud...yummy. Then I bring them into the house for Robert to throw. Sometimes I think my quirks are not appreciated....just a guess.

I went to the local hardware store today with Robert who spent way too much time looking for some special kind of wooden stick to attach to an antique garden tool he has. I mean, WTF, just pick a stick and use it. I could have picked out 10 handles by the time he decided none of them would work...geez. At least I got lots of cookies and to ride in the front seat of the truck.

I seem to be a little sore tonight. Robert noticed I was walking gingerly and I am now on a dog bed covered with a nice fleece throw. I also am a little stiff in the morning as well. This old age thing is not what it is cracked up to be. I am going to see if I can't get Robert to buy me a hot tub. I'll gladly share it with him and Nancy.

Nancy took Dolly and Hannah to San Jose with her this morning, so it is just Phoenix, Gracie, myself and Robert here for a few days.....parrrrrtttttyyyy time!

Every day I keep hoping Robert will tell me somebody special is coming to visit me...

Friday, April 23, 2010

04.23.2010 * Day 14

Another beautiful day. I slept all night cozily covered with a thin blanket in my crate. I played in the horse pasture this morning and took my usual brief morning nap on the deck afterwards. Robert was bust again today with noisy machines. He was using his brushcutter to take out some weeds, and then he switched to his gas powered string trimmer. Then he brought out the big gun Kubota tractor and went to work clearing an area for a big garden. I am not a fan of all the noise and I pretty much stayed inside while he was creating havoc.

After working a while Robert came in and played fetch with me. I destroyed another tennis ball but Robert went to his secret stash and produced another handful. I feel the need to "condition" them till they are just right.

Early in the afternoon a man came by and I watched in amazement as the big furries got their feet trimmed; not even a whinnie or wimper from any of them. I am not sure I'd be so brave.

Nancy returned in the afternoon with Dolly so the household was back at full (dog) strength.

I played ball late into the evening before settling in for dinner, McLeod's Daughters and finally bedtime.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

04.22.2010 * Day 13

What a day! Beautiful, sunny,warm and just a hint of a breeze. After breakfast I went out into the horse pasture and wore myself to a frazzle playing with the jolly ball. I had to take a nap after that. Phoenix caught a vole this morning and I was jealous, but I did not bother him or his quarry. After my nap Robert came out into the backyard and played fetch with me for several hours. I like it when he comes into the yard; easier to get the ball to him. In between playing ball I would watch him stalk gophers; crawling on his belly through the grass waiting for the kill shot. Don't know, but I think he watched too many episodes of "Battle Cry" in the '60's. When he starts putting on camo face paint is when I will start worrying...

I have stopped chewing up my tennis balls, much to Robert's approval. My current one is at least three days old. I do enjoy my water tub on these warm days; wish it were bigger. My adoptive parents should have a pool with a beach entrance....

I napped again this afternoon while Robert tackled some really tall weeds for a garden he and Nancy are planning. Things grow really crazy here, especially the weeds.

After dinner I went for another run in the horse pasture and then Robert and I played fetch in the back yard. He discovered I like to be chased when I have the ball. The old fart just could not get anywhere near me though, and I am almost nine! But then, Robert brought out some really strange device. After checking on the Internet I found out it is an all-terrain Segway! He can really move on that thing! He spent nearly an hour chasing me with it while blasting the Beach Boy's "Little Deuce Coupe" from its speakers. He caught air twice on the septic mound! Only once did he wipe out; zigged when he should have zagged. I went over and checked on him. He was fine. Then I peed on the tires and ran off with my tennis ball.

Life is good, despite the advantage technology affords him....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

04.21.2010 * Day 12

Nancy headed out to San Jose this morning, so I am here with just Robert and the other dogs. I had breakfast and then played with the jolly ball in the horse pasture. It started to rain here while Robert and I were playing fetch, but I am like the postman (neither rain,nor hail, nor....) and very little deters me from my appointed duties as ball chaser. It has turned VERY windy and cool. I finally came in from the rain and am trying to lie quietly on a dog bed next to Robert but the wind is causing all sorts of noises which upset me and I bark! The power has gone out several times and when the fax machine and printers reset themselves I get really wigged out. Even the horses are disturbed by the wind and have retreated into their stalls.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

04.20.2010 * Day 11

Robert finally arrived home this afternoon from his dental visit in San Jose. I am SO HAPPY to see him. I know he will throw the ball for me in the backyard and the jollyball in the horse pasture. Nancy did her best, but it is just not the same.

Monday, April 19, 2010

04.19.2010 * Day 10

Just the normal routine this morning; eat breakfast,play in the pasture while the horses are fed and then chase the ball Robert throws for me endlessly.

This afternoon Robert left and took one of the other dogs with him. I feel abandoned and sad. I miss his tireless game of fetch he plays with me. He told me he will be back on Tuesday after his dental appointment. I can't wait.

Nancy threw the ball for me in his absence today but she throws like a girl. I appreciate the effort but somehow it is not the same. I do enjoy the fact that she likes to stay up late and watch McCloud's Daughters. The other dogs and I all snuggle in on our beds or the couch and keep her company.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

04.18.2010 * Day 9

Everybody was up early this morning. Stockton told me that some people were coming to visit him and see if they wanted to adopt him. I am a bit jealous, though I do like it here.

It is a beautiful sunny day and Stockton's visitors showed up around 10:00am. They really liked Stockton and he seemed to like them as well. He decided to go home with them. I was happy for him. he told me to stay strong, that someone would come and take me home someday as well. I will miss him but now Robert has even more time to play with me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

04.17.2010 * Day 8

Wow, I had to get up REALLY early this morning. It was still dark outside! Nancy loaded Gracie, Dolly, Hannah and myself into the big gray prison van and off we headed on a 2 hour journey. I recall Nancy saying something about a Fun Field Day.

When we arrived I found myself amid big open fields of tall grass, lots of big furries with people on their backs and scores of other dogs. There was lots of activity and noise. Unfortunately, I had to spend most of the day in my crate in the back of the van with Dolly and Hannah. I was very upset at being away from Robert and Nancy that I behaved badly when some people came by to take me out for a walk to do my business. When Robert finally returned I was still hugely upset and I told him so. He wanted to take me for a walk but I was so upset I refused. He was pretty understanding about it but saddened as well. He spent 45 minutes talking to me with my crate door open and plying me with yogurt, berries, hamburger, dog cookies and the such. Finally I relented and agreed to walk with him. We met many other dogs and people and I saw all kinds of new things. I got to go into the irrigation canal and retrieve sticks. I enjoyed that and it felt good. After that, Robert put me into the truck with the windows down so I could watch all the goings on and not be in a crate. Shortly afterward I was joined by Stockton and Gracie and we headed back home. I wanted the front seat but Stockton claimed it so I had to stand with my front paws on the window sill and my back feet on the center console to stick my nose out the window and smell all the new things we passed on the way home. Stockton was a good sport about it, even when I occasionally stood or stepped on him.

When we arrived home everyone seemed pretty tired, especially the big furries. We all had dinner and retired early in the evening.

Overall, it was not one of my better days and I think Robert and Nancy are a bit concerned over my behavior.

Friday, April 16, 2010

04.16.2010 * Day 7

Things are very busy here this morning. Robert is loading up what Stockton calls a long white box on wheels. I think it is a trailer to transport the big furries. I understand he is going to take three of them someplace overnight where they are going to be used in the Vizsla Club's Fun Field Day. He is going to take Stockton and Phoenix with him as well and Nancy will take the rest of us in the morning. That means I won't get to play fetch this afternoon or evening because it hurts Nancy's arm to throw the ball for me.

I had fun watching Robert and Nancy trying to catch two of the big furries in the horse pasture to put them in the trailer. Obviously they thought it was fun as well. I barked at them and told them to stop it but they just scoffed at me and carried on. When they were finally rounded up and loaded in to the trailer, Robert left and it was just Nancy, myself and the other girl vizslas. I don't mind being the only boy in a house full of girls, but I miss Robert because he plays fetch with me and is more tolerant of my behavior. Nancy is much more strict and demanding; not a bad thing. It just means I have to be on my best behavior.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

04.14.2010 * Day 5

Slept in bed with Robert, Stockton and Phoenix last night. Never experienced a menage a trois before; not anything like it is cracked up to be. I had a very restful night, as did the others.

Got up at 6:30 and had breakfast. At 7:00am I went outside and was ready for "Play Ball". Stockton thinks I am suffering a bit of OCD and recommended some Lithium. Thank goodness he can't write prescriptions. I love my balls; what male doesn't?

I have chewed through 3 tennis balls today; good thing Robert has a big box of them. I have to condition them, and then I just get carried away. I have yet to demolish the BIG grapefruit-sized industrial tennis ball Nancy bought me; that will be a challenge. Right now I am on a dog bed in the dining room "conditioning" a normal tennis ball while guarding my BIG tennis ball. Robert has started to attempt to train me to fetch the ball, bring it to him, sit, and release on command. I think he is tired of picking up my balls wherever I choose to drop them. The training is going slowly...but relentlessly. If I dare growl over a ball he is right there to put me in a sit, then down and then stay. If I do not comply, no ball throwing. Tough love...

Oops, I just breached my 4th tennis ball tonight. If you connected my jaws to a generator I could power the entire state of California.

The weather was weird today. Sunny but rainy in the morning; like I know what rain is when I am waiting for the ball to be thrown. Ran in the horse pasture and got REAL FILTHY...was hosed down with COLD water before being allowed into the backyard. Damn, you think the guy could afford a water heater for the outdoor wash station. I have contacted animal rights about this. Any pro-bono animal activist lawyers out there?

I am on a dog bed in the dining room right now with my BIG tennis ball and a normal tennis ball. Robert is going out to feed the big furry animals in the pasture (I like to bark at them) and then I hope we can watch some more TV via the Internet.

I hope somebody or some family that wants a very active, but loving, ONLY dog that needs structure, will see my blog. I am going to be at the VCNC Fun Field Day on Saturday, April 17th. Stop by and meet me, but don't forget to bring a tennis ball...

I love you all...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

04.13.2010 * Day 4

I slept on a dog bed in the living room last night. Things are a little less frenzied here with two of the female vizslas temporarily away. After breakfast I got to run in the horse pasture with the other dogs here. I get nice and dirty out there because it is pretty sloppy and wet, but it is fun and Robert towels me off afterward which feels nice.

I have been playing fetch the tennis balls nearly all day. Robert worked outside at the table on the deck this morning so he would throw the tennis ball for me whenever I brought it to him. This afternoon he started using a "scoop" type of thing that allows him to throw the ball further. He can even launch multiple balls at the same time. AND, I can retrieve MULTIPLE balls at once, pretty good, eh mate? Robert took some more pictures of me and they can be viewed from a link at the bottom of my blog.

It looked like it would rain here late this morning, but the clouds blew over and it turned sunny but cool with a slight breeze. Good weather for chasing balls. Life is good...

Monday, April 12, 2010

04.12.2010 * Day 3

This morning after I had my breakfast, I had an appointment to visit Dr Waldo for an exam, nail trimming and x-rays. I was reluctant to jump up into the back seat of Robert's Dodge dually so he took me to the vet in the Van (aka, prison shuttle bus). I enjoyed laying on the bench seat behind the front captain's chairs. I do very well on lead. I weighed in at 52.2 pounds. The good doctor examined me, listened to my heart and lungs, manipulated my joints and looked in my ears and mouth. I have just a touch of redness (inflamation) in my left ear so Robert will put some ointment in it for a few days. I let Robert put a muzzle on me (standard procedure for the vet) and then the doctor took two x-rays, one of my hips and a lateral of my spine. My hips are in very good shape and there is no indication of any spinal problems or vertabrae bridging. I had my nails trimmed and I was good to go. I did really well at the vet; no growling, fighting or fussing. The worst I did was bark whenever Dr Waldo came into the exam room or a new patient came into the waiting room. Several people petted me and I got to see a cat in a carrier which was OK until he hissed at me, the little shit. I had lots of cookies so I can't say visiting the vet is all bad.

It finally stopped raining here so I have been playing fetch with Robert all afternoon. I showed him how I can carry both a normal size and my grapefruit size tennis ball in my mouth at the same time...pretty good, eh mate? (must be that overdose of McCloud's Daughters Nancy subjected me to). I have also discovered these wonderful creatures caller gophers. I am very good at sniffing them in their active tunnels but I don't think the humans appreciate my attempts to excavate them, especially on the septic mound.

Nancy located my breeder and spoke with her about finding me a foster/adoptive home. We shall see what becomes of that. Nancy took two of the female vizslas with her to San Jose tonight so there are just four of us here tonight; things are a bit calmer.

I am really a very nice boy, in great health, very active and what I really want in life is someone to call my very own, give me all their attention and exert a little structure into my life.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

04.11.2010 * Day 2

Today was pretty crappy weather wise; rained nearly all day, though there was a brief respite around 5:30 - 6:00pm which I took full advantage of chasing my new industrial tennis ball madly. Otherwise, I mainly spent the day on a dog bed in front of the fire. I am getting along well with the other dogs, including my foster mate Stockton.

The humans think I may have an issue with my back and they are going to make an appointment with Dr. Waldo for an exam and x-ray.

I am eating well in my crate and learning not to nudge the human's arms when I want attention.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

04.10.2010 - My First Day

My first night in my foster home was pretty uneventful. One of the other girl vizslas here took a liking to my MANSION of a soft crate so I decided to sleep on another dog pillow in the bedroom. The other human here, Robert, let me out around 7:00am and then fed everyone breakfast, which I gladly ate, having skipped dinner last evening.

This morning Robert introduced me to a very unique toy that "flies"; a soft frisbee. It appears to just float in the air when he throws it and I try to catch it. It is difficult, but I am getting better at it very quickly. At first, I didn't know where it had gone after Robert threw it until it hit the ground. But now I realize I have to look up to see it because it stays airborne much longer than any other toy I have ever played with. I really enjoy this toy and could play for hours with it. I even get to go into a larger area twice a day where the horses graze. Of course, none of us are allowed out in that area while the horses are there. We have to wait until they are in their individual paddocks.

There are lots of toys here to play with and nearly as many dogs. I get along with them all but my first choice of activities is playing fetch with the humans, followed by snuggling with the humans and lastly, playing with the other dogs. Today is rather cool, gray, cloudy and misty; not a very nice day to be outside. Robert has made a fire in the wood stove and I am snuggled in my dog bed on the floor next to him in the dining room.

Nancy surprised me this afternoon when she arrived back home from her errands. She bought me an industrial strength tennis ball, the size of a grapefruit! It is so big and tough that I cannot crush it like a normal tennis ball. Robert threw it for me until I wore myself out. There is a huge tub of water in the yard that Robert put out for Stockton, my foster buddy, in the event the Lab in him wanted to go for a dip. When I get tired of chasing the ball, frisbee or whatever, I go stand in the tub to cool off. I am always careful to not leave my toy behind so I take it into the tub with me. If I drop it to drink and it sinks I then have fun trying to retrieve without sticking my head under water (a last resort only). When I cool off, I hop out and am ready for another round of fetch (endlessly).

I willingly go into a crate to eat my dinner because this is what Stockton told me the humans like. I ate my dinner and then settled in on a dog bed while the humans prepared their dinner. I watched Netflix and Hulu TV with Nancy late into the evening; she really has this thing for McCloud's Daughters, so much so that I find myself hankering for a vegemite sandwich. Heck, even her Garmin Nuvi is Australian!

Friday, April 9, 2010

04.09.2010 * A New Beginning

Today marks a new beginning for me. Here is my story...
I am an 8 year old neutered male purebred and AKC registered vizsla. I was purchased as a puppy from a breeder in Fresno by my owners who live in San Bruno. I am guessing I weigh about 48-50 pounds, am of average height for a male vizsla, have some gray on my muzzle and a little on my feet. I have a broad head and think, overall, I am pretty handsome. I am in good health and I am current on my shots as well as my heartworm medication. I think I am pretty sweet and I love being around the humans here. If I feel they are ignoring me I go up to them and nudge their arm while they are typing on their computers, though I get the feeling that this is something they would rather I didn't do.

Things were fine for many years but recently I began having issues with the three small children in my household. My owners do not know why and I have been unable to tell them. I guess I may have acted inappropriately around the children and my owners became concerned for their safety. After they spoke with the people at VCNC Rescue Operations they made the difficult and painful decision to surrender me for re-homing.

A nice woman named Nancy picked me up this evening, along with all my worldly possessions (big round deg bed, a MANSION of a soft crate, my food, medications and treats) and took me to her house in Sebastopol which I now share with five other dogs. One of them is another rescue dog like myself. His name is Stockton and he has his own blog as well. He has been very helpful in getting me settled here, explaining how things work, etc. I like all the dogs here and get along really well them. I am initially more comfortable with female humans but the male human here, Robert, is very nice and I have quickly warmed up to him. I especially like it when he throws a ball or other toys for me to chase and retrieve. The yard here is very big and I have lots of room to run, and I LOVE to run and play fetch!

I did not eat my dinner tonight because of all the excitement of these new surroundings but I am not skinny or underweight so it is no big deal. I watched Hulu TV (McCloud's Daughters) before bedtime. Nancy set my MANSION of a soft crate up in the bedroom along with my dog bed so that is where I will sleep tonight.

To be continued...