Who, me?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

04.27.2010 * Day 18

Wow! It seems like I have been here an eternity; not that I am complaining. Today was really miserable; rainy, windy, cold and just plain inhospitable. Not that it stopped Robert from his rounds with the big furries or working on the vegetable garden. Doesn't he know wet soil is much heavier than dry soil? He filled in more of my archeological excavations and finished excavating the garden bed; now I suppose he'll fill it all in. I just don't get these humans sometimes. I don't know what he plans on growing there, but it will be awesome. I don't think he is planting any mary jane 'cuz it is right out there in the open. And if he thinks I'm going up against the DEA and their whirlybird in a midnight raid, he is mistaken....

He did take lots of time out for me to play ball during breaks in the weather; he always does. We even went to the bank today and he posted a new picture of me giving him driving directions. He is a good sport about it, even when I disagree with Jessica, his GPS Nav bimbo. She must be blonde...

I am doing so well here! I even tried to play with Phoenix today, but he is not ball obsessed like I am. He'd rather wrestle and at my age that just doesn't qualify as playtime; more like an invitation to a chiropractic appointment (and there is a good one here in town!). I am very comfortable with Robert and have earned his trust. I hope someone like him comes along and wants to adopt me for his/her very own; I would love to spend the rest of my days in such a relationship.

Right now I am on a dog bed in the living room. Robert is updating my blog and then he will fix dinner and invariably watch Modern Marvels, or House, or Gray's Anatomy or How It's Made...; geez, like I want to build a nuclear sub or anything like that. I'd rather fetch balls from the surf on a pristine beach somewhere where the girls don't wear bathing suits...

Life is good, and getting better...

BTW...these two silly (in lust) ducks landed in the back yard today (who the hell knows why) and Phoenix and I were out of here like a particle from the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) after them. They narrowly escaped their foolishness and took their mating activities to a safer and more secluded spot under the willow tree in the corner of the property.

My saga continues...stay tuned...thanks for all your support and comments!

1 comment:

  1. Rothko is a good boy. He is living the life of leisure...if only he could have gotten a little closer to those ducks!
