Who, me?

Monday, June 28, 2010

06.28.2010 (Monday) *

Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive and kicking!

A special welcome to "fluffydogfostering" for joining my blog! I need all the friends I can get.

Nothing really new with me. I am still here with Cooter, the vizsla-lab foster mix. There has been so little interest in adopting me that Robert is now searching for a sanctuary for me to live in until (if ever) I am adopted into a forever home. Even that avenue has borne little fruit; seems like there are just too many of us older dogs with special needs.

In the meantime, life goes on. I play ball, play in my water tub, romp in the horse pasture, bark at the horses, get REALLY excited when Nancy comes home or Robert returns from an errand. I am learning new things and have to work or perform for any reward; not a difficult task but goes against my grain of wanting to be "in charge". I guess it is a small price to pay for such a loving, caring and nice foster home. I now even put myself to bed in my crate when the day is done. I always get a cookie for doing so; never even had to ask for one!

I go to the vet regularly for my nail trimming and occasionally I go on an errand with Robert, though he has been really busy here with the property, the garden and repairing various vehicles and equipment.

Summer is finally upon us and I enjoy standing in my water tub chasing shadows or leaves on the bottom. Robert keeps it nice and clean so it is always refreshing. Sometimes I lie in the sun for a tan, or in the shade if it is really hot. A new screen door at the front keeps a nice breeze blowing through the house and I rotate from dog bed to dog bed as I see fit.

Thanks again to all of you who follow my blog!

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