Who, me?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

04.28.2010 * Day 19

Another rainy day. After all these April showers I'm expecting a bounty of May flowers, particularly if they are in the form of tennis balls!

Gracie tried to play with me this morning but I was not in the mood; hardly ever am when it comes to playing with other dogs. I am a PEOPLE vizsla. I'll be your shadow, your best friend, your co-pilot and your most excellent ball chaser! If I am not appealing then I just don't know what is.

Robert worked on the garden bed again today, in the rain. I watched from the deck until I got too wet; he kept at it, putting wire down to keep the pervasive pocket gophers from burrowing up to feast on the soon to be planted vegetables.

I was limping again a bit early this afternoon. I let Robert check me over for anything obvious but he found nothing. Nancy seems to think I just over do it with the ball thing. I am 8 1/2 years old but play like a 2 year old. I suppose that could be part of the problem.

Robert found me some tennis balls to replace the ones I have chewed to shreds. He is most accommodating in that way.

Robert is going to make chicken and rice casserole for dinner tonight and then we are all going to watch Hulu or Netflix TV. Maybe we'll watch a tennis tournament and I can dream of being a ball boy. Wouldn't that be grand? Duh, yeah!

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